

If I still fight with you, it means I still care

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How do you keep a relationship going? It’s the million-dollar question we all ask ourselves. Is it communication? Trust? Timing? Or a combination of everything?

Everyone you ask will have a different answer. Personally, I think you have to fight with your partner to keep your relationship going. It means you still care enough to put in the effort.

If I still fight with you, it means I still want you. 

I’m not talking about shouting and screaming at one another without getting your points across. That’s a toxic relationship we should all avoid, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Instead, I mean fighting for your happiness and love without fear and hesitation. If you don’t, do you truly have love?

If I still fight with you, it means I still care. 

I want us to solve whatever problems we have. I want us to come to a mutual understanding. In the end, I value our relationship and connection more than being right or winning an argument. No matter the disagreement, I want us to come out on the better side.

If I still fight with you, it means I value you. 

I want you in my life, so I’ll do whatever it takes to fix our issues and keep you close to me. It means I see a future with you filled with happiness and love. So, I choose to fight for us instead of going silent and hoping time will fix our problems. I want to talk things out because I respect you and what you mean to me.

When I don’t fight with you anymore, you should worry.

It shows apathy — I’m exhausted. I no longer want to fix whatever was broken because I always felt like the only one fighting for us. I got burnt out from trying to patch up the broken trust and failed promises, keeping us together even though we slowly drifted apart.

When that starts to happen, you’ve already lost me. I gave it all I had, and you didn’t even meet me halfway. So, if you want to start fighting for us when I already gave up, it’s too late. You only realize that what you’ve had is important when you lose it, and that’s the lesson we all have to learn sometimes. And that’s okay.

So, be happy when I fight with you when I fight for us. When that happens, you know how much what we have means to me.

And as long as you fight alongside me, I will never give up.

Ekuonaba Media

Ekuonaba Media

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